Corporate partnerships
Our corporate partners are vital in our fight against litter.

Join us as a corporate partner
Litter is rubbish. Did you know that 80% of the ocean's plastic comes from a land-based source and littering is one of the main reasons for this? It creates huge challenges for our environment like flooding and wildfires. It's also terrible for communities. We've spoken to people whose children have to walk through broken glass on their way to nursery, and it's not ok. Your support helps us create safer, stronger, and more connected communities.
Help us protect local communities
We live in a society that's plagued by litter and our work is vital. We've helped set up over 1600 litter picking groups across the UK and recently we've established Cleanup Hubs in areas of deprivation. We aim to have Cleanup Hubs that provide local communities with free litter picking equipment in the 100 most deprived areas across the UK. That's where you come in.
We are looking for corporate partners who share our vision to achieve cleaner, safer and more connected urban and rural communities and protect wildlife and the environment.
How can you partner up with us?
- By a one-off or annual financial commitment
- Sponsoring a litter picking hub in a deprived community
- Working together strategically
- Cause related marketing
What you'll get from a partnership
- Brand development with enhanced reputation, recognition and customer engagement
- Publicity across CleanupUK's social media channels and website
- A trusted and valued charity partner
You'll achieve your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) goals for the environment and the community.
- The opportunity to make a significant and lasting impact by supporting our vital mission to create stronger, safer, more integrated communities.
- Engagement and empowerment of your team with access to our unique volunteering opportunities and fun initiatives.
Meet our partners